Social selling can make you sell more

In the midst of digitalisation, customers behave differently. Ok why is that, you might think?

Digitalisation means that more information is stored and searchable on the internet.

Social selling is fun and makes you a better seller

Through Google and LinkedIn, buyers have been given powerful tools to search for solutions to their problems themselves. Customers are thus well-informed and not as interested in meetings with salespeople.

But when you ”stop selling”, you sell more by helping the customer buy. If you are good at social selling, you attract business. It’s like being magnetic.

What is social selling?

One factor in Social Selling is building relationships. And an important ingredient in relationship building is building trust. This is a good idea, because I claim that nowadays buyers trust the network more than sellers.

Let’s take a closer look at the new game plan

It has become a boom for networking, right? Not least for digital networking.

On LinkedIn, professionals are open to contact. Professional professionals and decision-makers are devoting more and more time to Linkedin because the network contributes to their professional development. They keep up with the latest trends.

Social behaviors

  • As a social networker, you are looking for interesting people who may be interested in your services.
  • As a social seller, you are aware of the flow and you capture needs that can be solved by the services you provide.
  • As a social seller, you help the network and the network helps you by conveying contacts, needs and recommendations

A lot of these opportunities are overlooked by the outreach seller because he uses the phone and email as tools and often gets out of step with the buying process.

Behaviors that make you a better salesperson on LinkedIn

  1. Establish your professional reputation as a salesperson who contributes value
  2. Search and find the right people, approach them with sensitivity and the right timing
  3. Be active and share by writing about the problems that exist and how they can be solved
  4. Expand and deepen the relationships in your network

Better results with social selling

  • Lead generation with LinkedIn (Sales navigator in combination with the CRM system)
  • An additional flow of requests thanks to recommendations and references in the network
  • Warm meetings where the potential customer looks forward to the meeting with YOU and requests the company’s products and service.

In the past, LinkedIn has conducted a survey and concluded that social sellers sell more than their colleagues who do not use their social network.

78% sell more with social selling simply. That number will increase when more advanced CRM support is integrated with LinkedIn ”. Says Olle Leckne, salesman and LinkedIn expert.

Want to know how good you are at social selling?

Test your social selling index – click here

social selling can make you sell socially säljare med social selling
Sample social selling score.

Your Social selling score is a measure of how effective you are at getting known and building your professional brand, finding the right people, engaging with insight and building good relationships.

Facts / Source: Social selling index provided by Linkedin. SSI consists of four sub-indices. Linkedin monitors members’ activity on Linkedin and based on this activity, a social selling score can be calculated. This is the number between 0-100. Where 100 is the maximum score.

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