The right customers in the LinkedIn network

Digital communication is powerful when you do it the right way, says Olle Leckne, Linkedinexpert with a passion for great customer experiences.

There are many pieces of the puzzle that need to be put in place for the customer to gain confidence, be motivated and buy digitally.

There has been a change of power: It’s all about the customer.

This supertrend* affects the effectiveness of marketing.

Some may not understand why. You might think it was always about the customer. And so they have continued with the ”We message” i.e. We, our company and our products.

If and when you realize the value of adapting the message to the customer. Then you choose ”You-message” and start from the customer’s situation, problems and challenges. When the reader recognizes themselves and somebody cares about their situation, it becomes a better customer experience, right?

It’s easy to check if it’s right: Take a larger company’s website and count the number of ”We” and compare with the number of ”You”.

* The most important trend is the transition from a sales-centric to a buyer-centric sales organization.

It turns out that customer value orientation is about more things than organization. Namely goals, working methods, behaviors and habits. And not least the seller’s role and status.

But as the counting exercise shows (tip: do the exercise so you get the feeling) it is the communication that is the most difficult adjustment i the big change required.

Why? Well, despite the fact that ”it has always been about the customer”, it is not even noticeable in practice.

Feel free to reflect on what perspective you encounter when you meet a salesperson:

  1. Focus on you and your motivation yes / no
  2. The value you want and need comes up early in the yes / no conversation
  3. The salesperson focuses on selling (their services) in the first place (listening in the second place) yes / no
  4. Are there more ”we” than ”you” yes / no

So this reasoning probably shows that it is the change of perspective that comes first.

Then let’s discuss the communication. Communication is a craftsmanship. It takes time to learn really well.

Customer value orientation is thus the most important trend in the survey *.

85 percent of those surveyed say that customer value orientation is the trend that is crucial to remain competitive in the future.

But given the changes that are needed and investments in education and training, it can take time. Time you do not have.

Then it may be good with an alternative, get help, buy customer value-oriented communication as a service!

Together, our team has the skills to handle all parts and put them together into an excellent customer experience.

Getting closer to the right customers in the LinkedIn network

With customer value-adapted communication, you become visible, searchable and purchaseable. You reach through the noise to the the person. This leads to good relationships that provide good business.

You can trust that we think of the big picture, different point of views and arrange all the details. The effects become clear and your company grows.

*) Source: The Future State Of Sales Research Report 2021, Mercuri International

Olle Leckne and Digitalbyrån LIexpert help companies to grow with more and the right customers and employees. Read more in the articles to stay up to date in customer value orientation. See also Linkedinexpert company page and the newsletter for current info.

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