What is the social selling era about?

I’ts about new possibilities. A new era begins as result of paradigm shift.

When you have an experience of a really good conversation you probably realize a few things:

  1. There are even greater possibilities than you thought
  2. Social Selling and working your network is not about linear change, it’s out of the box transformation.
  3. If enterprises can implement Social Selling and get great results, you could probably too.

Well, change is difficult. But not changing is worse, especially as the world around you change. This is especially the case if you work in sales and marketing. The buyers have changed their way of working and traditional sales methods are becoming a struggle.

When is good time to invest in social selling!?

Changing is about facing your organizations fears, finding motivation and implementing new good habits to get something better than today.

Change starts with changing the way you think about it. Here are a few points that makes change a little bit easier as it’s expressed by great sales leaders:

 “When our teams approach new prospects, first of all, they have to do it with incredible insight. And the way you do that is using the same technologies and approaches that they use to find us and our products, we can use to find out about them” – Greg Randolph SVP at CA Technologies

The social sel

“We started collecting success stories. We connected through the CEO’s administrative assistant. Someone reached out to her and got a meeting with the CEO. Using LinkedIn to track the rest of the organization, we found the real decision makers. And the CEO recommended us. It ended up with a 5 Million Euro sales within 3 months. A very big win for us. We have now stored 50 success stories, so we recognize leaders right away” – Phil Lurie, Social Selling Leader and Senior-level Manager at SAP.

“We are training our sales teams on Sales Navigator, which is product specific. We train them on how this tool is going to help them make money. And that’s how we make all training go, cause their going to adopt it if they realize that it’s going help them close deals, win business and make money.” – Liz Kempinski Sales Operations Manager – Social Selling ADP

If you didn’t see these opportunites the first time, it’s all right.

Questions? Go ahead, I listen to what’s really important to you and to evolve your sales leadership.

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Go to market as a service

About Olle Leckne and the launch of Selling Socially: I find leadership interesting. It’s rewarding whether it’s about finding new paths, taking risks and challenge conventional wisdom. Or empowering people to get new results. The background to creating the new e-course is that we would like to share insights and the evolution of connecting people with new possibilities.

If you are interested follow the selling-socially company page for more info.

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