What is a digital networking go to market strategy?

I meet quite a few businesses which next step is go to market.

Well, most just go to market with traditional sales and marketing strategies (or no strategy at all).

CONSIDER a more networking go to market strategy.

The LinkedIn network provides access to target audiences globally. And there is already trust in your network which will potentially open doors.

Most companies have a clear strategy for the business.

If you start from the company’s existing strategy and ask yourself how well the strategy works digitally, it becomes interesting.

If we define a digital strategy as an approach to maximize business benefits given the opportunities that digitalization and the network brings.

Digitalization in society is pervasive and transformative.Go to market strategy

So it’s not just about data and technology-focused initiatives.

All parts are affected in one way or another by the fact that communication, storage, business, service and delivery take place digitally. People, data, processes and machines.

A good digital strategy is necessary for the business’ digital transformation.

Benefits: With the strategy, a strategic road map can be created that shows where the company is today, which direction you are traveling and how you get where you want to go. And what solutions or tools are needed for that.

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