Find out how healthy relationships are is made possible through integration between Microsoft and LinkedIn.

Hi, this is Olle watching new opportunities for you.

Sometimes the development takes smaller steps and sometimes larger.

Many times I feel that technological development is faster than humans.

We do business with the ones we trust the quality of the relationship becomes crucial when deciding.

Confidence is built up in a few steps and these steps are the same for all people. It can be easy to forget that we have needs that take time to satisfy. That confidence-building takes time poses a challenge in the buying and selling process and in recruitment. We want it to go quickly but it does not. In fact, it is often the case that business does not get off because the handling of customer and relationship information is not good enough.

Microsoft is improving sales thanks to LinkedIn and CRM integration

Now, system support takes a big step forward for managing relationships should we get a CRM support that makes reason for the name? It seems so now that Microsoft and LinkedIn are launching integration of their systems. What I understand will bring benefits in the sales and purchasing process and other processes that depend on customer information and trusts.

When the customer information is presented just when it is needed, it becomes more time to be social a common problem when dealing with many contacts is that our attention is given to the management of contact information and circumstances (read login and between different systems) instead of the relationship.

Now, attention can be given to the relationship an important step in human and technological development is the ”relationship health score” that demonstrates how prosperous our relationships are.

The video discusses how Microsoft is using enhanced system support to improve sales:

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Click here to read more about #relationship Health score (Swedish)

Now that the development takes a leap, there are many questions-we will help you right there is a lot to discuss and discovering for now, progress is advancing.

I will get back with more comments about the host full progress that flashes past in the fast-paced demo. Please ask and comment.

Olle Leckne helps companies and individuals to develop their networks and business with the help of LinkedIn and social selling. He helps companies to study the buying journeys that are going on to meet the digital buyers in new ways.

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