The modern sales method making sales succesful by leveraging your LinkedIn network.

The buying process has changed: Learn new skills and influence buyers at an early stage!

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”23″ font_color=”%23F7F0DE” width=”620″ line_height=”31″]Buyers don’t wait to be contacted by salesl people to get to know new products and services.

Buyers use social media to explore relevant solutions to their needs and check recommendations from peers in the network prior to purchase.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”23″ font_color=”%23F7F0DE” width=”620″ line_height=”31″]In this new environment it is more important than ever that sales representatives adapt to the new buying process and upgrade their social skills. [/text_block]

Order e-training € 295

Free trial

In the Selling socially e-training program you will discover that…

  • Social selling is effective

    Business is human to human. When practising social skills your social selling score will improve. It’s an early indication of increased sales.

  • Social selling is fun

    When you ”stop selling” you sell more by helping the customer buy. Actually the lifetime value of customers buying from you is better than you selling to them.

  • Leverage your network

    When becoming ”top-of-mind”, for the value you add, the number of incoming requests from your network will increase.

Voices about Social Selling och LinkedIn

Ylva Gardell

Ylva Gardell, Business Development Consultant at Right Management formerly Manpower

Olle Leckne held an appreciated training in three steps for with me and my colleagues with the headline Social Selling through LinkedIn. The training gave us as group and as individuals a wider perspective on how to use LinkedIn as an efficient sales tool; making it possible for us to increase our number of connections, to look after our network, and to transform cold contacts into warm. May 12, 2015, Ylva was Olle’s client

Koka Sexton

Koka Sexton, Social Selling Leader, LinkedIn

Leverage social selling to build relationships with your buyers early-on; create trust and value before you have a dialogue about price.

Start e-training in Swedish for only € 295

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”14″ top_padding=”5″ width=”940″]

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